Mont Blanc SpreaderThis professional construction manages to treat up to 1,000 m2 with full hopper. The spread width is up to 4.5 m and it has the hopper capacity of 40 kg. These parameters make this spreader suitable for roads, larger business premises and supermarket parking lots . The drive of the spreading mechanism is derived from the wheels with a metal oil-filled gearbox.


Hopper capacity: 40 kg of salt
Spreading apparatus drive: steel worm gearbox with aluminium case
Spreading system: rotary spinner plate, special agitator
Working speed: 1 – 4 km/hour
Max. operating width: 1 – 4.5 m
Salt volume per m2: adjustable to 90 g/m2
Treated area with full hopper: 550 – 1,000 m2
Empty spreader weight: 22 kg
Recommendation: towns and business premises over 2,000 m2


€899 + vat = €1105.77

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1Mont Blanc€1,105.77
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Order MONT-BLANC-SPREADER Mont Blanc @ €1,105.77